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g[�������IAL���c+��Js�R�Z⥯��� analogy- legos. Meanwhile, Aristotle is a philosopher that is well known around the world. [�i��&�z�Dѓd�
stream [�i��&�z�Dѓd�
He was born in a rich family, because historian said his mother was rich and his father was a physician, one of the respected job in the era.
Today the world had know Alexander The Great, as the most famous conqueror in the ancient time. You may also read: Postulates of John Dalton – Louis de Broglie Quantum Theories. %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()(�� C
350 BC.
x�c```b``�d`a``Y� � `6+�9�Q�hcge㌅��7~��`�c2b?� ��n�}J �]a�b
G7�&/��~�,A��a�mQE���e+(�L�6,�k �1uwI�k�Q$� Aristotle inspired gave her name by his wife name. F��qP�/C�d}ĩ\?��74P�>o%�⣲�O��u?� �TO*����i��uNj,E��;u���dmӌ�)��#[��D��r��Y͝ئ�>�����u� 55 0 obj Aristotle 300 B.C. They had translated Aristotle’s theory Greek to Arabic language. ���~G����������������d�T*In��Q9�K�@*@ pn/[>���N�����p� @)� -����7�vn;G��e{��;7��75H�H_"3�lnj�ꐾD:`I[[����JV�V���}��� �/�{�����)��/�{���������Shz���)���u6��G��P)� Lշ��=N{��)������~��07��NVg�R���7_jr�=���'=`�p=2��.E�)��I�\�"ϔ���م̏��V�N�f2?�iZ�wً̌��V�M�f/23�qZ ��w»�9��i%n�w�r?#��%��)D�.� From Empedocles theory, they found the Philosopher’s Stone to identify it, they hoped it could turn any metals become a gold and a silver, which could make rich. From this theory, Aristotle spread Empedocles Theory to the chemistry field, and philosophy field. !H�`�� k,.\ �n{|�/R�n4����u�~�,V�B�x4?�ƕ�;�3��� Aristotle had said that the earth element is naturally solid and fall, fire element is naturally rise and more rise in addition fire meet the air element, wind element is dynamic and water element is flexible and naturally fall . He categorized the earth element have characteristic is cold and dry, fire element is hot and dry, wind element is hot and wet and water element is cold and wet. You may also read: Chemistry Models of Atoms – Proton, Electron, Neutron. These models – Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles – were both geocentric in nature.
After this moment, Aristotle had been Stagira’s hero, not only freed Stagira he also gave great contribution for Greece’s Glory, by taught Alexander.
Aristotle was spend his life in there until his death in 322 BC.
to Early 1800’s In ancient Greece, the popular philosopher aristotle declared that all matter was made of only four elements: fire, air, water and earth.
This was Aristotle’s best academic career in his life.
They said it also could granted someone with external life. Disclaimer | �[��Ny��P�%��)D�.� � �������?m� &{����p� B���g� Atomic Models: Model Analogies: ... Aristotle: 300 B.C. 300 BC to early 1800s - declared that all elements were only made of 4 elements: fire, air, water, and earth and had 4 properties: hot, cold, dry and wet analogy- death to the chemistry field for 2000 years. !��dnjV;�M����
�M�Nת��㲯d�e� �=n�Z�jņ�
uz����Й�iMj�nLѼ�\[*�˧k]��肫ʊq��.m�5"f��@� ӈ�ra�(C�r�ZȎsd^ܚ Indirectly, his science was made the slow progress of science itself until the Renaissance Era. ` 5m�-�S��e�bf����s߬�L����S���T�&n
�ڜ��b�0��XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6$��as#�v����م̏��V�$��b�#;w��wً̌��V� $����NG�yZI[��]�����+In��Q9�K�B������d�T� �����?m����ϮD��S� ��g�
Aristotle had requested Philip II for give Stagira citizen the human right, for a reason: When arrived in Stagira city, Aristotle was shocked by Stagira condition that caused by his friend, King Philip II. There is a famous history, where The Abbasyid Calliphate era Scientist, learn Aristotle’s Four Elements theorem for create a gold. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� A history said that Aristitle had told him about famous Greece Story The Illiad. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Aristotle wrote his Physics and his Meteorology ca. 6 0 obj [X~�Uf��9u,�$�{����b8+��0���2?S[�O��EQ^��~Fj�
E����̪nj���õ���ڂ�@9�}��[��-"�e 7D�r�qí# Ě�[�QS��T�T�苳Z����� 3�(̆w��$�v��l617�P�I�es�'*�sY,�à�P�&p,��D���Au+�q\��*�[���"�TU�a²3��u:5�òl1�b�e:����M,�!��clHx]*}s��ú$��,2��T0-��+��E�AX7"qD�L � he also believed that matter had just four properties: hot, cold, dry and wet. Aristotle’s Four Elements became famous in chemistry world.
<< /Pages 70 0 R /Type /Catalog >> ����0{���r�6�pJ3k:5mf����0��vf�c��R-�f�m7�9�t_E;�Y)�S8�u�d7p��h7�CWND�J1 p�|fW���d����X*(J��S�b1�� i���N�\a:Aw����)�sY!���1'�֮��jG��>�ў�����lJ֓8vy
h��!q��&d������V6�'���2��@�����!�����I�s�#~����9���sd�R��t� �� It became the basic foundation in Chemistry Mendeleev Periodic Table. This theory has a big role in chemistry world about element. stream ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Adchoices | Aristotle had entered Plato’s academy when he was 17 years old. He said this element bot exist in the world, only exist in Heaven.
This is mostly because we know very little about Leucippus, and it has been speculated that he never actually existed, although this seems unlikely since Aristotle and Theophrastus (c. 371 BC–c. Aristotle, in his time, may have used diagrams when discussing the Five Elements, but all that survives is his prose. He had adopted Aristotle after his father died, until Aristotle decided went to Athens. �. Soon Aristotle became ambitious to become Plato’s Academy Director. Maybe this is one of Aristotle’s success factor to became a scientist, by his family richness it can support Aristotle life while he was studying in Athens, Greece.
At this era there are two famous academy, Plato’s Academy and Pythagoras Academy. +��\�r������&ӓ�E��Qv�@v�8�j=� d%v�5�Ұ0�k�;���X�Es�̀w�-B�sQ�+��oT�Le)��_2*�?y6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT����:�G.L���xc!xT�̲9����U�\*ǵpan�&�/ܕ L���9Y��Jbf��}����*S |��'�r\�>S`N�f2?�iZI;}�\��ݥhM�f/23�qZI7}������h J�� After Ancient Greek Era, many Alchemist tried to proof that Aristotle’s quintessence is drift to Earth and it can cure all diseases. They also founded the chemistry lab procedure which is applied in today chemistry. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� << /Contents 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 71 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 72 0 R >> /Font << /F0 73 0 R /F1 76 0 R /F2 79 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X0 59 0 R /X1 60 0 R >> >> /Type /Page >> He became Socrates favorite student and he was maintain a relationship with Plato, the Director of Plato’s Academy for 20 years.
This is why Aristotle is failed to became Plato’s successor. [�i��&�z�D���XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6%^�V���(��E|��"D�{�0#��jb��1�� endobj
Aristotle was leaved Macedonia to Southern Greece Island. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� Harri Deutsch, Contact Us | When he stay in Mysia, Aristotle met Pythias his future wife, and married her. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�#ej�$��M��@��&;��RD����S���T� y9���锟%�r,�M�:O��|��$���.dnҴ�v�0����J� &n
�ڜ��b�13pn���f{)�Nz���ze'�r\�>Sa���.E�)� 'o��۴�$���.dnҴ ��u��+3ةLL���9Y��J`���y8�I�\�"ϔ�c��.K�g�lI����G��+I'o��۴� f��}����*S7��NVg�R���N�R|�%ȳ�6�>K��Y� �v�0����J�I����G��+@b�N��IQh0`ŪM5��eW�K@j�:#�6ܸU�Lv����ۯ8��R�X Arguments by analogy are also discussed in the vast literature on scientific models and model-based reasoning, following the lead of Hesse (1966). Many Pro-Macedonian were fleed from Greek. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� [�i��&�z�Dѓd� ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$���
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Uخ��Ȩ����%M�� Tʅ�s$y�Lĕ.��]Q�Θ�2֪�b*c��T�)���k� -A3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�c�W��-�WU'�dk�jrWKƅ��3����V�
�\�iB��=��k��raEE�� %j�z������dH0�zve�k���"����������o The analogy of the divided line (Greek: γραμμὴ δίχα τετμημένη) is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in the Republic (509d–511e). But in the process they was failed in produced gold, but they found new elements that contributed later in Mendeleev Periodic Table.
Not only this, the atom can decide the taste of food that we eat by contact of each atom in the food, the result make the sensation of bitter or sweet cause by the size and the shape of atoms. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� The first element can’t combine with four elements(earth, fire, water,wind), because it’s a pure element forever. ]:j~�7lA����Ѣ,� a�L._��r���zNԤͱ^;����&_�4b�|-��G��X��l�Q��-���=}`+IyȽ�n�s$�.
Aristotle is a Greek Scientist, today he is known as Father of Science. 287 BC) mentioned his atomic theory explicitly. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X
��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Today the science of chemistry elements are based on Menedeleevperiodic table which was contributed by Aristotle’s Four Elements Theory. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X 59 0 obj bg���(��� ��ی�s|�f�qom�W��c�p{csT�T��!�9�����C�������d�i%mn��� G�)Z ��� ����/���� ����/��)���u6��G��R����Shz���� �[|s��Yr���o�nz���.S3pn���f{)���u��+3ةL �s�'�)>K��Y�t�%�r,�M�I;}�\��ݥi$��as#�v��I7}������i$��b�#;w� +w|+����V�V��W'#�< 57 0 obj
Soon in 343 BC, his old friend, Philip II had invited him to the court in Macedonia.
After Democritos dead in 370 BC, Arsitotle had argued the world is create by continues matter which is relate with other. K�.�z�x��p�}����4�b3;��dԿ�,1X�ӵ1;�V �5;`L삎�v�$�.�9�qe��k#3EZ l;`��)�=L�0��t��e�q��D،���ÝM�i��En�!$�+v������q�������R�M�?�m��,��L���m��-�����g
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<< /Length 7 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> We know in the history The Persia had tried to conquer Greek, but they always failed. �� endobj Aristotle went to Macedonia when he was 41 years old.
Because many Stagira citizen has been exiled and enslaved. The atom is referred as the smallest unit in a matter. B{m�L�9���7�D%t����6y;��r]�k03�J�%���d��3�2.�o��U;�D��ySVa�H�D�Y�qiﬔ�Vz�#�cF�4��CF]�c��)�k.���f��~�����B3�*6L�M���j.�G��*&\�ø �h�BG K�FY.
He was born in a rich family, because historian said his mother was rich and his father was a physician, one of the respected job in the era.
Today the world had know Alexander The Great, as the most famous conqueror in the ancient time. You may also read: Postulates of John Dalton – Louis de Broglie Quantum Theories. %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()(�� C
350 BC.
x�c```b``�d`a``Y� � `6+�9�Q�hcge㌅��7~��`�c2b?� ��n�}J �]a�b
G7�&/��~�,A��a�mQE���e+(�L�6,�k �1uwI�k�Q$� Aristotle inspired gave her name by his wife name. F��qP�/C�d}ĩ\?��74P�>o%�⣲�O��u?� �TO*����i��uNj,E��;u���dmӌ�)��#[��D��r��Y͝ئ�>�����u� 55 0 obj Aristotle 300 B.C. They had translated Aristotle’s theory Greek to Arabic language. ���~G����������������d�T*In��Q9�K�@*@ pn/[>���N�����p� @)� -����7�vn;G��e{��;7��75H�H_"3�lnj�ꐾD:`I[[����JV�V���}��� �/�{�����)��/�{���������Shz���)���u6��G��P)� Lշ��=N{��)������~��07��NVg�R���7_jr�=���'=`�p=2��.E�)��I�\�"ϔ���م̏��V�N�f2?�iZ�wً̌��V�M�f/23�qZ ��w»�9��i%n�w�r?#��%��)D�.� From Empedocles theory, they found the Philosopher’s Stone to identify it, they hoped it could turn any metals become a gold and a silver, which could make rich. From this theory, Aristotle spread Empedocles Theory to the chemistry field, and philosophy field. !H�`�� k,.\ �n{|�/R�n4����u�~�,V�B�x4?�ƕ�;�3��� Aristotle had said that the earth element is naturally solid and fall, fire element is naturally rise and more rise in addition fire meet the air element, wind element is dynamic and water element is flexible and naturally fall . He categorized the earth element have characteristic is cold and dry, fire element is hot and dry, wind element is hot and wet and water element is cold and wet. You may also read: Chemistry Models of Atoms – Proton, Electron, Neutron. These models – Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles – were both geocentric in nature.
After this moment, Aristotle had been Stagira’s hero, not only freed Stagira he also gave great contribution for Greece’s Glory, by taught Alexander.
Aristotle was spend his life in there until his death in 322 BC.
to Early 1800’s In ancient Greece, the popular philosopher aristotle declared that all matter was made of only four elements: fire, air, water and earth.
This was Aristotle’s best academic career in his life.
They said it also could granted someone with external life. Disclaimer | �[��Ny��P�%��)D�.� � �������?m� &{����p� B���g� Atomic Models: Model Analogies: ... Aristotle: 300 B.C. 300 BC to early 1800s - declared that all elements were only made of 4 elements: fire, air, water, and earth and had 4 properties: hot, cold, dry and wet analogy- death to the chemistry field for 2000 years. !��dnjV;�M����
�M�Nת��㲯d�e� �=n�Z�jņ�
uz����Й�iMj�nLѼ�\[*�˧k]��肫ʊq��.m�5"f��@� ӈ�ra�(C�r�ZȎsd^ܚ Indirectly, his science was made the slow progress of science itself until the Renaissance Era. ` 5m�-�S��e�bf����s߬�L����S���T�&n
�ڜ��b�0��XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6$��as#�v����م̏��V�$��b�#;w��wً̌��V� $����NG�yZI[��]�����+In��Q9�K�B������d�T� �����?m����ϮD��S� ��g�
Aristotle had requested Philip II for give Stagira citizen the human right, for a reason: When arrived in Stagira city, Aristotle was shocked by Stagira condition that caused by his friend, King Philip II. There is a famous history, where The Abbasyid Calliphate era Scientist, learn Aristotle’s Four Elements theorem for create a gold. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� A history said that Aristitle had told him about famous Greece Story The Illiad. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Aristotle wrote his Physics and his Meteorology ca. 6 0 obj [X~�Uf��9u,�$�{����b8+��0���2?S[�O��EQ^��~Fj�
E����̪nj���õ���ڂ�@9�}��[��-"�e 7D�r�qí# Ě�[�QS��T�T�苳Z����� 3�(̆w��$�v��l617�P�I�es�'*�sY,�à�P�&p,��D���Au+�q\��*�[���"�TU�a²3��u:5�òl1�b�e:����M,�!��clHx]*}s��ú$��,2��T0-��+��E�AX7"qD�L � he also believed that matter had just four properties: hot, cold, dry and wet. Aristotle’s Four Elements became famous in chemistry world.
<< /Pages 70 0 R /Type /Catalog >> ����0{���r�6�pJ3k:5mf����0��vf�c��R-�f�m7�9�t_E;�Y)�S8�u�d7p��h7�CWND�J1 p�|fW���d����X*(J��S�b1�� i���N�\a:Aw����)�sY!���1'�֮��jG��>�ў�����lJ֓8vy
h��!q��&d������V6�'���2��@�����!�����I�s�#~����9���sd�R��t� �� It became the basic foundation in Chemistry Mendeleev Periodic Table. This theory has a big role in chemistry world about element. stream ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Adchoices | Aristotle had entered Plato’s academy when he was 17 years old. He said this element bot exist in the world, only exist in Heaven.
This is mostly because we know very little about Leucippus, and it has been speculated that he never actually existed, although this seems unlikely since Aristotle and Theophrastus (c. 371 BC–c. Aristotle, in his time, may have used diagrams when discussing the Five Elements, but all that survives is his prose. He had adopted Aristotle after his father died, until Aristotle decided went to Athens. �. Soon Aristotle became ambitious to become Plato’s Academy Director. Maybe this is one of Aristotle’s success factor to became a scientist, by his family richness it can support Aristotle life while he was studying in Athens, Greece.
At this era there are two famous academy, Plato’s Academy and Pythagoras Academy. +��\�r������&ӓ�E��Qv�@v�8�j=� d%v�5�Ұ0�k�;���X�Es�̀w�-B�sQ�+��oT�Le)��_2*�?y6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT����:�G.L���xc!xT�̲9����U�\*ǵpan�&�/ܕ L���9Y��Jbf��}����*S |��'�r\�>S`N�f2?�iZI;}�\��ݥhM�f/23�qZI7}������h J�� After Ancient Greek Era, many Alchemist tried to proof that Aristotle’s quintessence is drift to Earth and it can cure all diseases. They also founded the chemistry lab procedure which is applied in today chemistry. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� << /Contents 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 71 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 72 0 R >> /Font << /F0 73 0 R /F1 76 0 R /F2 79 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X0 59 0 R /X1 60 0 R >> >> /Type /Page >> He became Socrates favorite student and he was maintain a relationship with Plato, the Director of Plato’s Academy for 20 years.
This is why Aristotle is failed to became Plato’s successor. [�i��&�z�D���XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6%^�V���(��E|��"D�{�0#��jb��1�� endobj
Aristotle was leaved Macedonia to Southern Greece Island. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� Harri Deutsch, Contact Us | When he stay in Mysia, Aristotle met Pythias his future wife, and married her. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�#ej�$��M��@��&;��RD����S���T� y9���锟%�r,�M�:O��|��$���.dnҴ�v�0����J� &n
�ڜ��b�13pn���f{)�Nz���ze'�r\�>Sa���.E�)� 'o��۴�$���.dnҴ ��u��+3ةLL���9Y��J`���y8�I�\�"ϔ�c��.K�g�lI����G��+I'o��۴� f��}����*S7��NVg�R���N�R|�%ȳ�6�>K��Y� �v�0����J�I����G��+@b�N��IQh0`ŪM5��eW�K@j�:#�6ܸU�Lv����ۯ8��R�X Arguments by analogy are also discussed in the vast literature on scientific models and model-based reasoning, following the lead of Hesse (1966). Many Pro-Macedonian were fleed from Greek. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� [�i��&�z�Dѓd� ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$���
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Uخ��Ȩ����%M�� Tʅ�s$y�Lĕ.��]Q�Θ�2֪�b*c��T�)���k� -A3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�c�W��-�WU'�dk�jrWKƅ��3����V�
�\�iB��=��k��raEE�� %j�z������dH0�zve�k���"����������o The analogy of the divided line (Greek: γραμμὴ δίχα τετμημένη) is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in the Republic (509d–511e). But in the process they was failed in produced gold, but they found new elements that contributed later in Mendeleev Periodic Table.
Not only this, the atom can decide the taste of food that we eat by contact of each atom in the food, the result make the sensation of bitter or sweet cause by the size and the shape of atoms. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� The first element can’t combine with four elements(earth, fire, water,wind), because it’s a pure element forever. ]:j~�7lA����Ѣ,� a�L._��r���zNԤͱ^;����&_�4b�|-��G��X��l�Q��-���=}`+IyȽ�n�s$�.
Aristotle is a Greek Scientist, today he is known as Father of Science. 287 BC) mentioned his atomic theory explicitly. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X
��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Today the science of chemistry elements are based on Menedeleevperiodic table which was contributed by Aristotle’s Four Elements Theory. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X 59 0 obj bg���(��� ��ی�s|�f�qom�W��c�p{csT�T��!�9�����C�������d�i%mn��� G�)Z ��� ����/���� ����/��)���u6��G��R����Shz���� �[|s��Yr���o�nz���.S3pn���f{)���u��+3ةL �s�'�)>K��Y�t�%�r,�M�I;}�\��ݥi$��as#�v��I7}������i$��b�#;w� +w|+����V�V��W'#�< 57 0 obj
Soon in 343 BC, his old friend, Philip II had invited him to the court in Macedonia.
After Democritos dead in 370 BC, Arsitotle had argued the world is create by continues matter which is relate with other. K�.�z�x��p�}����4�b3;��dԿ�,1X�ӵ1;�V �5;`L삎�v�$�.�9�qe��k#3EZ l;`��)�=L�0��t��e�q��D،���ÝM�i��En�!$�+v������q�������R�M�?�m��,��L���m��-�����g
n�K)!���] )}�9��b:=�w��������#����)�ow�q{��v
<< /Length 7 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> We know in the history The Persia had tried to conquer Greek, but they always failed. �� endobj Aristotle went to Macedonia when he was 41 years old.
Because many Stagira citizen has been exiled and enslaved. The atom is referred as the smallest unit in a matter. B{m�L�9���7�D%t����6y;��r]�k03�J�%���d��3�2.�o��U;�D��ySVa�H�D�Y�qiﬔ�Vz�#�cF�4��CF]�c��)�k.���f��~�����B3�*6L�M���j.�G��*&\�ø �h�BG K�FY.
He was born in a rich family, because historian said his mother was rich and his father was a physician, one of the respected job in the era.
Today the world had know Alexander The Great, as the most famous conqueror in the ancient time. You may also read: Postulates of John Dalton – Louis de Broglie Quantum Theories. %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()(�� C
350 BC.
x�c```b``�d`a``Y� � `6+�9�Q�hcge㌅��7~��`�c2b?� ��n�}J �]a�b
G7�&/��~�,A��a�mQE���e+(�L�6,�k �1uwI�k�Q$� Aristotle inspired gave her name by his wife name. F��qP�/C�d}ĩ\?��74P�>o%�⣲�O��u?� �TO*����i��uNj,E��;u���dmӌ�)��#[��D��r��Y͝ئ�>�����u� 55 0 obj Aristotle 300 B.C. They had translated Aristotle’s theory Greek to Arabic language. ���~G����������������d�T*In��Q9�K�@*@ pn/[>���N�����p� @)� -����7�vn;G��e{��;7��75H�H_"3�lnj�ꐾD:`I[[����JV�V���}��� �/�{�����)��/�{���������Shz���)���u6��G��P)� Lշ��=N{��)������~��07��NVg�R���7_jr�=���'=`�p=2��.E�)��I�\�"ϔ���م̏��V�N�f2?�iZ�wً̌��V�M�f/23�qZ ��w»�9��i%n�w�r?#��%��)D�.� From Empedocles theory, they found the Philosopher’s Stone to identify it, they hoped it could turn any metals become a gold and a silver, which could make rich. From this theory, Aristotle spread Empedocles Theory to the chemistry field, and philosophy field. !H�`�� k,.\ �n{|�/R�n4����u�~�,V�B�x4?�ƕ�;�3��� Aristotle had said that the earth element is naturally solid and fall, fire element is naturally rise and more rise in addition fire meet the air element, wind element is dynamic and water element is flexible and naturally fall . He categorized the earth element have characteristic is cold and dry, fire element is hot and dry, wind element is hot and wet and water element is cold and wet. You may also read: Chemistry Models of Atoms – Proton, Electron, Neutron. These models – Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles – were both geocentric in nature.
After this moment, Aristotle had been Stagira’s hero, not only freed Stagira he also gave great contribution for Greece’s Glory, by taught Alexander.
Aristotle was spend his life in there until his death in 322 BC.
to Early 1800’s In ancient Greece, the popular philosopher aristotle declared that all matter was made of only four elements: fire, air, water and earth.
This was Aristotle’s best academic career in his life.
They said it also could granted someone with external life. Disclaimer | �[��Ny��P�%��)D�.� � �������?m� &{����p� B���g� Atomic Models: Model Analogies: ... Aristotle: 300 B.C. 300 BC to early 1800s - declared that all elements were only made of 4 elements: fire, air, water, and earth and had 4 properties: hot, cold, dry and wet analogy- death to the chemistry field for 2000 years. !��dnjV;�M����
�M�Nת��㲯d�e� �=n�Z�jņ�
uz����Й�iMj�nLѼ�\[*�˧k]��肫ʊq��.m�5"f��@� ӈ�ra�(C�r�ZȎsd^ܚ Indirectly, his science was made the slow progress of science itself until the Renaissance Era. ` 5m�-�S��e�bf����s߬�L����S���T�&n
�ڜ��b�0��XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6$��as#�v����م̏��V�$��b�#;w��wً̌��V� $����NG�yZI[��]�����+In��Q9�K�B������d�T� �����?m����ϮD��S� ��g�
Aristotle had requested Philip II for give Stagira citizen the human right, for a reason: When arrived in Stagira city, Aristotle was shocked by Stagira condition that caused by his friend, King Philip II. There is a famous history, where The Abbasyid Calliphate era Scientist, learn Aristotle’s Four Elements theorem for create a gold. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� A history said that Aristitle had told him about famous Greece Story The Illiad. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Aristotle wrote his Physics and his Meteorology ca. 6 0 obj [X~�Uf��9u,�$�{����b8+��0���2?S[�O��EQ^��~Fj�
E����̪nj���õ���ڂ�@9�}��[��-"�e 7D�r�qí# Ě�[�QS��T�T�苳Z����� 3�(̆w��$�v��l617�P�I�es�'*�sY,�à�P�&p,��D���Au+�q\��*�[���"�TU�a²3��u:5�òl1�b�e:����M,�!��clHx]*}s��ú$��,2��T0-��+��E�AX7"qD�L � he also believed that matter had just four properties: hot, cold, dry and wet. Aristotle’s Four Elements became famous in chemistry world.
<< /Pages 70 0 R /Type /Catalog >> ����0{���r�6�pJ3k:5mf����0��vf�c��R-�f�m7�9�t_E;�Y)�S8�u�d7p��h7�CWND�J1 p�|fW���d����X*(J��S�b1�� i���N�\a:Aw����)�sY!���1'�֮��jG��>�ў�����lJ֓8vy
h��!q��&d������V6�'���2��@�����!�����I�s�#~����9���sd�R��t� �� It became the basic foundation in Chemistry Mendeleev Periodic Table. This theory has a big role in chemistry world about element. stream ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Adchoices | Aristotle had entered Plato’s academy when he was 17 years old. He said this element bot exist in the world, only exist in Heaven.
This is mostly because we know very little about Leucippus, and it has been speculated that he never actually existed, although this seems unlikely since Aristotle and Theophrastus (c. 371 BC–c. Aristotle, in his time, may have used diagrams when discussing the Five Elements, but all that survives is his prose. He had adopted Aristotle after his father died, until Aristotle decided went to Athens. �. Soon Aristotle became ambitious to become Plato’s Academy Director. Maybe this is one of Aristotle’s success factor to became a scientist, by his family richness it can support Aristotle life while he was studying in Athens, Greece.
At this era there are two famous academy, Plato’s Academy and Pythagoras Academy. +��\�r������&ӓ�E��Qv�@v�8�j=� d%v�5�Ұ0�k�;���X�Es�̀w�-B�sQ�+��oT�Le)��_2*�?y6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT����:�G.L���xc!xT�̲9����U�\*ǵpan�&�/ܕ L���9Y��Jbf��}����*S |��'�r\�>S`N�f2?�iZI;}�\��ݥhM�f/23�qZI7}������h J�� After Ancient Greek Era, many Alchemist tried to proof that Aristotle’s quintessence is drift to Earth and it can cure all diseases. They also founded the chemistry lab procedure which is applied in today chemistry. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� << /Contents 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 71 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 72 0 R >> /Font << /F0 73 0 R /F1 76 0 R /F2 79 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X0 59 0 R /X1 60 0 R >> >> /Type /Page >> He became Socrates favorite student and he was maintain a relationship with Plato, the Director of Plato’s Academy for 20 years.
This is why Aristotle is failed to became Plato’s successor. [�i��&�z�D���XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6%^�V���(��E|��"D�{�0#��jb��1�� endobj
Aristotle was leaved Macedonia to Southern Greece Island. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� Harri Deutsch, Contact Us | When he stay in Mysia, Aristotle met Pythias his future wife, and married her. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�#ej�$��M��@��&;��RD����S���T� y9���锟%�r,�M�:O��|��$���.dnҴ�v�0����J� &n
�ڜ��b�13pn���f{)�Nz���ze'�r\�>Sa���.E�)� 'o��۴�$���.dnҴ ��u��+3ةLL���9Y��J`���y8�I�\�"ϔ�c��.K�g�lI����G��+I'o��۴� f��}����*S7��NVg�R���N�R|�%ȳ�6�>K��Y� �v�0����J�I����G��+@b�N��IQh0`ŪM5��eW�K@j�:#�6ܸU�Lv����ۯ8��R�X Arguments by analogy are also discussed in the vast literature on scientific models and model-based reasoning, following the lead of Hesse (1966). Many Pro-Macedonian were fleed from Greek. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� [�i��&�z�Dѓd� ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$���
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Uخ��Ȩ����%M�� Tʅ�s$y�Lĕ.��]Q�Θ�2֪�b*c��T�)���k� -A3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�c�W��-�WU'�dk�jrWKƅ��3����V�
�\�iB��=��k��raEE�� %j�z������dH0�zve�k���"����������o The analogy of the divided line (Greek: γραμμὴ δίχα τετμημένη) is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in the Republic (509d–511e). But in the process they was failed in produced gold, but they found new elements that contributed later in Mendeleev Periodic Table.
Not only this, the atom can decide the taste of food that we eat by contact of each atom in the food, the result make the sensation of bitter or sweet cause by the size and the shape of atoms. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� The first element can’t combine with four elements(earth, fire, water,wind), because it’s a pure element forever. ]:j~�7lA����Ѣ,� a�L._��r���zNԤͱ^;����&_�4b�|-��G��X��l�Q��-���=}`+IyȽ�n�s$�.
Aristotle is a Greek Scientist, today he is known as Father of Science. 287 BC) mentioned his atomic theory explicitly. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X
��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Today the science of chemistry elements are based on Menedeleevperiodic table which was contributed by Aristotle’s Four Elements Theory. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X 59 0 obj bg���(��� ��ی�s|�f�qom�W��c�p{csT�T��!�9�����C�������d�i%mn��� G�)Z ��� ����/���� ����/��)���u6��G��R����Shz���� �[|s��Yr���o�nz���.S3pn���f{)���u��+3ةL �s�'�)>K��Y�t�%�r,�M�I;}�\��ݥi$��as#�v��I7}������i$��b�#;w� +w|+����V�V��W'#�< 57 0 obj
Soon in 343 BC, his old friend, Philip II had invited him to the court in Macedonia.
After Democritos dead in 370 BC, Arsitotle had argued the world is create by continues matter which is relate with other. K�.�z�x��p�}����4�b3;��dԿ�,1X�ӵ1;�V �5;`L삎�v�$�.�9�qe��k#3EZ l;`��)�=L�0��t��e�q��D،���ÝM�i��En�!$�+v������q�������R�M�?�m��,��L���m��-�����g
n�K)!���] )}�9��b:=�w��������#����)�ow�q{��v
<< /Length 7 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> We know in the history The Persia had tried to conquer Greek, but they always failed. �� endobj Aristotle went to Macedonia when he was 41 years old.
Because many Stagira citizen has been exiled and enslaved. The atom is referred as the smallest unit in a matter. B{m�L�9���7�D%t����6y;��r]�k03�J�%���d��3�2.�o��U;�D��ySVa�H�D�Y�qiﬔ�Vz�#�cF�4��CF]�c��)�k.���f��~�����B3�*6L�M���j.�G��*&\�ø �h�BG K�FY.
Alexander became love to Illiad Story, made him inspired to conquer Persia Empire. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� And then Phillip II had appointed him for became Macedonian Royal Academy Director. Modelle des Atomkerns. x�cbd`�g`b``8 "���lc��
&y@��)�D���H�D�4H2�q�U��H�5`�:������106 �� [V��+�W^aOQ��v��K�Z�A�x��U������#kyK4X�Am.o�dqae�^���?���c?��U��R_�j��
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g[�������IAL���c+��Js�R�Z⥯��� analogy- legos. Meanwhile, Aristotle is a philosopher that is well known around the world. [�i��&�z�Dѓd�
stream [�i��&�z�Dѓd�
He was born in a rich family, because historian said his mother was rich and his father was a physician, one of the respected job in the era.
Today the world had know Alexander The Great, as the most famous conqueror in the ancient time. You may also read: Postulates of John Dalton – Louis de Broglie Quantum Theories. %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()(�� C
350 BC.
x�c```b``�d`a``Y� � `6+�9�Q�hcge㌅��7~��`�c2b?� ��n�}J �]a�b
G7�&/��~�,A��a�mQE���e+(�L�6,�k �1uwI�k�Q$� Aristotle inspired gave her name by his wife name. F��qP�/C�d}ĩ\?��74P�>o%�⣲�O��u?� �TO*����i��uNj,E��;u���dmӌ�)��#[��D��r��Y͝ئ�>�����u� 55 0 obj Aristotle 300 B.C. They had translated Aristotle’s theory Greek to Arabic language. ���~G����������������d�T*In��Q9�K�@*@ pn/[>���N�����p� @)� -����7�vn;G��e{��;7��75H�H_"3�lnj�ꐾD:`I[[����JV�V���}��� �/�{�����)��/�{���������Shz���)���u6��G��P)� Lշ��=N{��)������~��07��NVg�R���7_jr�=���'=`�p=2��.E�)��I�\�"ϔ���م̏��V�N�f2?�iZ�wً̌��V�M�f/23�qZ ��w»�9��i%n�w�r?#��%��)D�.� From Empedocles theory, they found the Philosopher’s Stone to identify it, they hoped it could turn any metals become a gold and a silver, which could make rich. From this theory, Aristotle spread Empedocles Theory to the chemistry field, and philosophy field. !H�`�� k,.\ �n{|�/R�n4����u�~�,V�B�x4?�ƕ�;�3��� Aristotle had said that the earth element is naturally solid and fall, fire element is naturally rise and more rise in addition fire meet the air element, wind element is dynamic and water element is flexible and naturally fall . He categorized the earth element have characteristic is cold and dry, fire element is hot and dry, wind element is hot and wet and water element is cold and wet. You may also read: Chemistry Models of Atoms – Proton, Electron, Neutron. These models – Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles – were both geocentric in nature.
After this moment, Aristotle had been Stagira’s hero, not only freed Stagira he also gave great contribution for Greece’s Glory, by taught Alexander.
Aristotle was spend his life in there until his death in 322 BC.
to Early 1800’s In ancient Greece, the popular philosopher aristotle declared that all matter was made of only four elements: fire, air, water and earth.
This was Aristotle’s best academic career in his life.
They said it also could granted someone with external life. Disclaimer | �[��Ny��P�%��)D�.� � �������?m� &{����p� B���g� Atomic Models: Model Analogies: ... Aristotle: 300 B.C. 300 BC to early 1800s - declared that all elements were only made of 4 elements: fire, air, water, and earth and had 4 properties: hot, cold, dry and wet analogy- death to the chemistry field for 2000 years. !��dnjV;�M����
�M�Nת��㲯d�e� �=n�Z�jņ�
uz����Й�iMj�nLѼ�\[*�˧k]��肫ʊq��.m�5"f��@� ӈ�ra�(C�r�ZȎsd^ܚ Indirectly, his science was made the slow progress of science itself until the Renaissance Era. ` 5m�-�S��e�bf����s߬�L����S���T�&n
�ڜ��b�0��XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6$��as#�v����م̏��V�$��b�#;w��wً̌��V� $����NG�yZI[��]�����+In��Q9�K�B������d�T� �����?m����ϮD��S� ��g�
Aristotle had requested Philip II for give Stagira citizen the human right, for a reason: When arrived in Stagira city, Aristotle was shocked by Stagira condition that caused by his friend, King Philip II. There is a famous history, where The Abbasyid Calliphate era Scientist, learn Aristotle’s Four Elements theorem for create a gold. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� A history said that Aristitle had told him about famous Greece Story The Illiad. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Aristotle wrote his Physics and his Meteorology ca. 6 0 obj [X~�Uf��9u,�$�{����b8+��0���2?S[�O��EQ^��~Fj�
E����̪nj���õ���ڂ�@9�}��[��-"�e 7D�r�qí# Ě�[�QS��T�T�苳Z����� 3�(̆w��$�v��l617�P�I�es�'*�sY,�à�P�&p,��D���Au+�q\��*�[���"�TU�a²3��u:5�òl1�b�e:����M,�!��clHx]*}s��ú$��,2��T0-��+��E�AX7"qD�L � he also believed that matter had just four properties: hot, cold, dry and wet. Aristotle’s Four Elements became famous in chemistry world.
<< /Pages 70 0 R /Type /Catalog >> ����0{���r�6�pJ3k:5mf����0��vf�c��R-�f�m7�9�t_E;�Y)�S8�u�d7p��h7�CWND�J1 p�|fW���d����X*(J��S�b1�� i���N�\a:Aw����)�sY!���1'�֮��jG��>�ў�����lJ֓8vy
h��!q��&d������V6�'���2��@�����!�����I�s�#~����9���sd�R��t� �� It became the basic foundation in Chemistry Mendeleev Periodic Table. This theory has a big role in chemistry world about element. stream ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Adchoices | Aristotle had entered Plato’s academy when he was 17 years old. He said this element bot exist in the world, only exist in Heaven.
This is mostly because we know very little about Leucippus, and it has been speculated that he never actually existed, although this seems unlikely since Aristotle and Theophrastus (c. 371 BC–c. Aristotle, in his time, may have used diagrams when discussing the Five Elements, but all that survives is his prose. He had adopted Aristotle after his father died, until Aristotle decided went to Athens. �. Soon Aristotle became ambitious to become Plato’s Academy Director. Maybe this is one of Aristotle’s success factor to became a scientist, by his family richness it can support Aristotle life while he was studying in Athens, Greece.
At this era there are two famous academy, Plato’s Academy and Pythagoras Academy. +��\�r������&ӓ�E��Qv�@v�8�j=� d%v�5�Ұ0�k�;���X�Es�̀w�-B�sQ�+��oT�Le)��_2*�?y6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT���96��:wT��6��:wT����:�G.L���xc!xT�̲9����U�\*ǵpan�&�/ܕ L���9Y��Jbf��}����*S |��'�r\�>S`N�f2?�iZI;}�\��ݥhM�f/23�qZI7}������h J�� After Ancient Greek Era, many Alchemist tried to proof that Aristotle’s quintessence is drift to Earth and it can cure all diseases. They also founded the chemistry lab procedure which is applied in today chemistry. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� << /Contents 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 71 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 72 0 R >> /Font << /F0 73 0 R /F1 76 0 R /F2 79 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X0 59 0 R /X1 60 0 R >> >> /Type /Page >> He became Socrates favorite student and he was maintain a relationship with Plato, the Director of Plato’s Academy for 20 years.
This is why Aristotle is failed to became Plato’s successor. [�i��&�z�D���XL��.K�g�l1�|�%ȳ�6%^�V���(��E|��"D�{�0#��jb��1�� endobj
Aristotle was leaved Macedonia to Southern Greece Island. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� Harri Deutsch, Contact Us | When he stay in Mysia, Aristotle met Pythias his future wife, and married her. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�#ej�$��M��@��&;��RD����S���T� y9���锟%�r,�M�:O��|��$���.dnҴ�v�0����J� &n
�ڜ��b�13pn���f{)�Nz���ze'�r\�>Sa���.E�)� 'o��۴�$���.dnҴ ��u��+3ةLL���9Y��J`���y8�I�\�"ϔ�c��.K�g�lI����G��+I'o��۴� f��}����*S7��NVg�R���N�R|�%ȳ�6�>K��Y� �v�0����J�I����G��+@b�N��IQh0`ŪM5��eW�K@j�:#�6ܸU�Lv����ۯ8��R�X Arguments by analogy are also discussed in the vast literature on scientific models and model-based reasoning, following the lead of Hesse (1966). Many Pro-Macedonian were fleed from Greek. ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� [�i��&�z�Dѓd� ��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$���
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Uخ��Ȩ����%M�� Tʅ�s$y�Lĕ.��]Q�Θ�2֪�b*c��T�)���k� -A3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�a�n��uJ�`)�3�n��uJ�c�W��-�WU'�dk�jrWKƅ��3����V�
�\�iB��=��k��raEE�� %j�z������dH0�zve�k���"����������o The analogy of the divided line (Greek: γραμμὴ δίχα τετμημένη) is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in the Republic (509d–511e). But in the process they was failed in produced gold, but they found new elements that contributed later in Mendeleev Periodic Table.
Not only this, the atom can decide the taste of food that we eat by contact of each atom in the food, the result make the sensation of bitter or sweet cause by the size and the shape of atoms. [�i��&�z�Dѓd� The first element can’t combine with four elements(earth, fire, water,wind), because it’s a pure element forever. ]:j~�7lA����Ѣ,� a�L._��r���zNԤͱ^;����&_�4b�|-��G��X��l�Q��-���=}`+IyȽ�n�s$�.
Aristotle is a Greek Scientist, today he is known as Father of Science. 287 BC) mentioned his atomic theory explicitly. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X
��c�kzX��hK��>�ƾ�+g���V�$��� Today the science of chemistry elements are based on Menedeleevperiodic table which was contributed by Aristotle’s Four Elements Theory. `L�ۯ8��R�Xdۯ8��R�X 59 0 obj bg���(��� ��ی�s|�f�qom�W��c�p{csT�T��!�9�����C�������d�i%mn��� G�)Z ��� ����/���� ����/��)���u6��G��R����Shz���� �[|s��Yr���o�nz���.S3pn���f{)���u��+3ةL �s�'�)>K��Y�t�%�r,�M�I;}�\��ݥi$��as#�v��I7}������i$��b�#;w� +w|+����V�V��W'#�< 57 0 obj
Soon in 343 BC, his old friend, Philip II had invited him to the court in Macedonia.
After Democritos dead in 370 BC, Arsitotle had argued the world is create by continues matter which is relate with other. K�.�z�x��p�}����4�b3;��dԿ�,1X�ӵ1;�V �5;`L삎�v�$�.�9�qe��k#3EZ l;`��)�=L�0��t��e�q��D،���ÝM�i��En�!$�+v������q�������R�M�?�m��,��L���m��-�����g
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<< /Length 7 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> We know in the history The Persia had tried to conquer Greek, but they always failed. �� endobj Aristotle went to Macedonia when he was 41 years old.
Because many Stagira citizen has been exiled and enslaved. The atom is referred as the smallest unit in a matter. B{m�L�9���7�D%t����6y;��r]�k03�J�%���d��3�2.�o��U;�D��ySVa�H�D�Y�qiﬔ�Vz�#�cF�4��CF]�c��)�k.���f��~�����B3�*6L�M���j.�G��*&\�ø �h�BG K�FY.
Bailer-Jones (2002) draws a helpful distinction between analogies and models.