Die jetzige Huldigung Krishnas ist ein Amalgam aus verschiedenen Elementen. To the amazement of all in each there was confined a deity form, one of Krishna and one of Balarama, the deity of Krishna with a churner in his hand was called Bala Krishna and was installed in the main Udupi shrine. Eine berühmte Murti (Bildgestalt) von Balakrishna befindet sich in Udupi. "Balakrishna" redirects here. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Krishna-Statue hielt einen Quirl in ihrer Hand und wurde Balakrishna getauft. Zum Erstaunen der Beteiligten verbargen sich in den Kugeln zwei Statuen, eine von Krishna und eine von Balarama. Als ein Verehrer von Balakrishna sollten Sie diese großartige und ehrenvolle Arbeit ausführen. [9] Legend has it that this was the very same murti which wife of Krishna, Rukmini, had worshipped. For the name, see, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFHastings2003 (, Also Balakrishna refers to the name of the Telugu Actor, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Students' Britannica India By Dale Hoiberg, Indu Ramchandani p.251, "Back to Godhead - How Krishna Came to Udupi", Life and Teachings of Sri Madhvachariarya, "The History Of Indic Monotheism And Modern Chaitanya Vaishnavism", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bala_Krishna&oldid=984049508, Articles containing Sanskrit-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 21:14. I think therefore that a temple of Bala Krishna in New York may immediately be started for this purpose. Verehrung entgegengebracht. In der Krishna-Religiosität wurde dem Kind Balakrishna (Sanskrit .mw-parser-output .Deva{font-size:120%}@media all and (min-width:800px){.mw-parser-output .Deva{font-size:calc(120% - ((100vw - 800px)/80))}}@media all and (min-width:1000px){.mw-parser-output .Deva{font-size:100%}}बालकृष्ण .mw-parser-output .Latn{font-family:"Akzidenz Grotesk","Arial","Avant Garde Gothic","Calibri","Futura","Geneva","Gill Sans","Helvetica","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Stone Sans","Tahoma","Trebuchet","Univers","Verdana"}bālakṛṣṇa) neben anderen Aspekten Krishnas schon ab dem 4. Horrible story. Die ursprüngliche Verehrung von Krishna-Vasudeva blühte in Mathura bereits mehrere Jahrhunderte vor Christi Geburt (so lassen Hinweise bei Megasthenes und im Arthashastra von Kautilya darauf … Bis auf den heutigen Tag gibt es in ganz New York keinen anständigen Hindutempel, wohingegen in Indien viele amerikanische Missionarsstationen und Kirchen existieren.“. Im Jahr 1513 ließ der Herrscher Krishnadevaraya in Hampi (Vijayanagara in Karnataka, Südindien) für Balakrishna den gleichnamigen Tempel errichten. als perfekte, ewigwährende und gnadenreiche Höchste Gottheit in einem streng monotheistischen Rahmen angebetet wurde). Main altar of the temple is [5], Bala-Krishna is often depicted as a small child crawling on his hands, and knees or dancing with a piece of butter in his hand. [3], Mehrere wundersame Taten werden Bala-Krishna zugeschrieben. Sie wurde von Madhvacharya (1238 bis 1317/1319) in seiner Sri Krishna Matha aufgestellt und kann heute noch von Pilgern in seinem Kloster besichtigt werden. Balakrishna is an actor, known for K.G.F: Chapter 1 (2018) and K.G.F: Chapter 2 (2020). Using painterly animation, photographs and home-movie treasures, Balakrishna transmits the wistfulness of childhood memories, while evoking themes of friendship and loss, and issues of immigration and elephant conservation. [5], The prominent historical Site is the Balakrishna temple in Hampi built by the ruler Krishnadevaraya in 1513. It is believed that Putana, a huge monster, was killed when the baby Krishna sucked her life from her by taking the poisoned breast she offered him. Balakrishna, Colin MacKenzie & Aparna Kapur, provided by the National Film Board of Canada. [8] Other notable image is murti of Bala Krishna worshiped by Madhvacharya in his Sri Krishna Matha of Udupi. Liberation from the world of matter required grace and dependence on God and active devotion, such as worshipping the Lord in the form of an icon (murti). It is a horrific story that we need to hear so that we do better as humans and to know that they are sentient beings who we should be in respectful relationship with. Mai 2019 um 14:15 Uhr bearbeitet. Other notable image is murti of Bala Krishna worshiped by Madhvacharya in his Sri Krishna Matha of Udupi. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt ist Balakrishna in der westlichen Welt eine populäre Gottheit unter Hindus verschiedenster Traditionen, darunter auch die Internationale Gesellschaft für Krishna-Bewusstsein. The childhood episodes of Krishna's legend became the focus of the medieval devotional cults that started to develop in a number of movements in medieval India. [4], Some of the miraculous acts of the form are notable. Letztes Element der Anbetung ist Krishna-Gopijanavallabha, d. h. Krishna als Liebhaber der Gopis, unter denen Radha eine bevorzugte Stellung einnimmt. When an extraordinary new resident – Balakrishna, an Indian elephant – arrived in the town of East River, Nova Scotia, in 1967, no one was more in awe of the creature than young Winton Cook, who became inseparable from his mammoth new friend. [6][7], In the Bhagavad Gita, it appears Krishna is teaching a universal monotheistic religion of personal God and reveals himself to be all-God, svayam bhagavan. Wish I'd never clicked on it. So soll er das riesige Monster Putana (पूतना) getötet haben, in dem er ihr aus ihren vergifteten Brüsten mit dem Gift gleichzeitig die Lebenskraft aussaugte. Der Balakrishna-Tempel ist eines der wenigen Beispiele, bei denen Geschichten aus den Puranas in die Wände des Tempels und des Hauptturms gemeißelt wurden. Zum gleichnamigen Filmschauspieler siehe, Internationale Gesellschaft für Krishna-Bewusstsein, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Balakrishna&oldid=188424423, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Main altar of the temple is dedicated to Bala Krishna and it is one of the few temples where stories of Puranas were carved on the walls of the temple and its main tower. Die Kindheitsepisoden Krishnas wurden zum Brennpunkt mittelalterlicher Kultverehrungen, die sich in zahlreichen Bewegungen in Indien manifestierten.[4]. Bala Krishna (Sanskrit: बाल-कृष्ण bālakṛṣṇa, literally "child Krishna") sometimes translated to "Divine Child Krishna",[1][2] or Bal Gopal is historically one of the early forms of worship in Krishnaism and an element of the history of Krishna worship in antiquity. It is believed Madhvacharya saved drifting ship, from which he received in gratitude two large balls of chandan clay used as a ballast. Die heutige monotheistische Krishna-Religion basiert neben den bereits angeführten Elementen auf dem monotheistischen Bhagavatismus. He appeared in more than 100 Telugu films over forty years in a variety of roles and established himself as one of the leading actors of Telugu cinema. [11][12], At the very beginning of his work to establish Hindu Krishna temples in the Western World Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada wanted to establish a prominent temple in New York City dedicated to Bala Krishna, even before starting ISKCON he wrote to one of his supporters in India:[13]. provided by the National Film Board of Canada, Immigration Experience and Social Adjustment. [1] The worship of Balakrishna, the divine child, while a significant feature of the Krishna religion, often receives less attention,[3] however it is one of the most popular deities of Krishna in many parts of India today. This tradition is considered as a part of the number of other traditions that led to amalgamation in a later stage of the historical development and culminate in worship of Radha Krishna as Svayam bhagavan. The suffering of that poor creature. Till now there is no worshipable temple of the Hindus in New York, although in India there are so many American missionary establishments and churches. Mankind will pay someday for what it has done to earth's creatures. Balakrishna, Actor: K.G.F: Chapter 1. Es besteht die Sage, dass Madhvacharya treibende Schiffe gerettet haben soll. Balakrishna erfährt weniger Aufmerksamkeit, auch wenn er in vielen Teilen des heutigen Indiens eine der volkstümlichsten Gottheiten ist. And as a devotee of Lord Bala Krishna, you should execute this great and noble work. It is believed the form was transported by sea from Dwarka. The sacred lamps at this statue of Bala Krishna recovered from the sea in the 14th century were lit by Madhvacharya himself and are being kept burning as a part of the ritual continuously, and that is for the last 700 years. Die jetzige Huldigung Krishnas ist ein Amalgam aus verschiedenen Elementen. [4], Oft wird Balakrishna auch abgebildet, wie er von seinem Vater Vasudeva auf dem Weg von Mathura nach Vrindavan über die Yamuna getragen oder wie er von seiner Mutter Yashoda gebadet wird. Other monotheist traditions are Bhagavatism and Cult of Gopala, that along with Cult of Krishna-Vasudeva form the basis of the current tradition of the monotheistic Krishna religion. Die ursprüngliche Verehrung von Krishna-Vasudeva blühte in Mathura bereits mehrere Jahrhunderte vor Christi Geburt (so lassen Hinweise bei Megasthenes und im Arthashastra von Kautilya darauf schließen, dass Krishna als Sohn Vasudevas bereits im 4. [10] Ever since the image was installed, Udupi has been steadily gaining in importance as a centre of pilgrimage. Noch bevor er ISKCON ins Leben rief schrieb er an einen seiner Gönner in Indien:[7], „Ich meine daher, dass für diesen Zweck ein Balakrishna-Tempel in New York umgehend gegründet werden sollte. In der Bhagavad Gita lehrt Krishna dann eine universelle, monotheistische Religion eines personifizierten Gottes und enthüllt sich als allmächtiger Gott svayam bhagavan. Nandamuri Balakrishna, known as Balakrishna, is an Indian film actor and politician. [6], Ganz am Anfang seines Unterfangens, hinduistische Krishna-Tempel in der westlichen Welt zu etablieren, wollte A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada einen Tempel in New York gründen, der Balakrishna geweiht sein sollte.
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