Or was it because of all the Reds in FDR’s cabinet? But looking back it clearly shows intent.
For example if you don’t drink away your weekly wage in two days and save up for the future then you are a beta coward pussy. But he laid it all out there - if your wife isn't crying when her punishment is over, then you haven't punished her enough. Only difference is I take charge and ownership of my problems and deal with them like an adult. » the only thing we learn from history is no one ever learns from history lol. All of them. The state of the debate around domestic violence and domestic femicides has a very long delay in the USA in comparison with some European countries.
Since you have no interest in such women, you will surely not object to other men, who have less options, marrying them, and not interfere in their marriages, except to prohibit severe beatings and sodomy. You say the woman “retrospectively” claims to have been abused. » If some husbands received corporal punishment, fertility would plummet, but the quality of the next generation would be far better. I’ve been there too. They are not OK. Wherever jews go, they inveterately and compulsively seek out institutions of the word to make their place. As there damn well should be. yes, this is how it starts, snobby men telling lesser men what they’re allowed to do and that their women don’t even deserve husbands, then their wives create battered women’s shelters, and divorce becomes fashionable, and then the snobs divorce their wives and marry the 40 years younger daughters of the men whose families their wives have broken. That's exactly what I'd say to my husband if he tried to pull this crap on me....right before I walked out the door.
Civilised people are more likely to have broken mindset. Female teachers are never as logical and rational as their male students. And while this is certainly a glaring misconception as not all, or not even most BDSM activities involve pain, there are a few situations that do. Nazi German war industry needed more people, and Nazis forbade women from working there. Often, after being spanked, she is sent to a corner, or some other time out. When did they do it?
War, even more than website building, is the kind of project where you don’t want women around, except of course as whores in the civilian logistic train, and assisting their fathers and husbands in the civilian logistic train (what used to be called the camp followers). Normally TfR seems to go up with infant mortality , the stressed population argument seems to hold some water.
Nor have I tried.
There is also no guarantee society will last long enough for it to be a problem, If it doesn’t we’ll move to hard patriarchy after the die off anyway. Giving women’s work to soldiers, and calling those who do women’s work soldiers, profoundly undermines the military.
What have antisemites accomplished? That is the point. She had no kids, that may be an important datapoint.
And this is precisely why this discussion about Jews is retarded. Admittedly, this mixture process seems more prevalent here in Mitteleuropa than in the US. If all the cases of X that they prosecute are weak, that shows they are confabulating the cases. You had to go 2012 to find a man who allegedly murdered his well behaved wife – and it was a black man, and the evidence sounds rather thin. Stock up on Cheetos, video games and soft drinks, kid – momma’s basement beckons. But, being a an ex-SJW turned Alt-Right and a woman, I think it’s important for the woman to realize her own humiliation. This system was fair to everyone, which is why it was scrapped. Male cat howls to get the female to come to him. Germany didn’t win the war for several reasons, but not employing their women *IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR* (where more people were needed to increase production) was a leading factor.
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