Gymnopilus cyanopalmicola Guzm.-Dáv., International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (Redding) 8(3): 289 (2006)
Gymnopilus subearlei R.
(Description From Hesler): Pileus (1-)3-5(-9) cm broad,subcespitose or gregarious to scattered, hemispheric then plano-convex, golden yellow to tawny, paler on the margin, minutely floccose-squamulose, at length fading and rimose. Gymnopilus cyanopalmicola Guzm.-Dáv., International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (Redding) 8(3): 289 (2006)
Full genome DNA phylogeny is published. Fleming was able to defeat a Staphylococcus species. Habit, Habitat And Distribution: On hardwood and conifer wood (sawdust, timber, longs, stumps), of wide occurrence across the United States. Clamp connections present. Flesh yellow to pale orange; with an intensely bitter taste. Sequences are uploaded to Genbank.
(Complete English Description Needed). This is important., Fotos oben Gymnopilus dilepis (Berk. Comments: Weakly to moderately active. Folk 32: 400 (1879) Pileipellis a cutis, hyphae 3-15 μm diam., thin-walled, coarsely encrusted with brown pigment. Murrill, Mycologia 4 (5): 254 (1912) Soc. Spores in deposit “orange-rufous,” “ferruginous,” “xanthine orange,” or “cinnamon rufous;” spores 6-8.5(-9) x (3.5-)4-4.5 um, ellipsoid in face view, inequilateral in profile, verruculose, no germ pore, ferruginous in KOH, dextrinoid. Hymenophoral trama subregular, hyphae 2-20 μm diam., thin-walled, hyaline to pale yellow. Känn. The type, on fern stems in England (Kevv), as preserved at K, is a naucorioid species of Gymnopilus, with characteristic macro- scopial characters, bitter taste, and should be known as Gymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Mass.) Lamellae adnate, sometimes slightly sinuate, whitish, soon bright tawny or Indian yellow (“mustard yellow” to almost “cadmium yellow”), becoming bright tawny ochraceous with age, broad, close. Antidotes to conclude the effects of each chemical should be published. Caulocystidia 16.8-51.2 × 2-7.2 um apex 3.6-6 um broad, cylindric-ventricose, not capitate, subcapitate found only at the stipe apex, occurring in tufts, hyaline to yellowish brown. Flämmling GIFTIG! Observations: The green discolorations suggest a close relationship with Gymnopilus aeruginosus but the yellow pileus and the presence of pleurocystidia distinguish it. Gymnopilus purpuratus var. Club 67: 281 (1940) Gymnopilus braendlei (Peck) Hesler, Mycol. Velum (from an- nulus) composed of parallel to slightly interwoven hyphae 5–12 μm broad, cells cylindrical, mostly hyaline, some of them with yellow-rusty granular content, wall only slightly yellow-rusty incrusted.
Habitat and Distribution:
Gymnopilus viridans Murrill, Mycologia 4(5): 257 (1912).
After the substrate is completely colonized cut the bag open above the substrate and pour the casing over it.
Gartz (1993) reported that dried, cultivated specimens yielded .23% psilocybin, .21% psilocin, and .05% baeocystin.
Veil arachnoid to submembranous, yellowish, forming a fugacious annulus. GYMNOPILUS SPECTABILIS), Bilder oben It has a rusty orange spore print and a bitter taste. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll add credit or remove the … Lamellae adnexed to adnate, often at first decurrent by a line, frequently seceding, “cream-buff” to “pale ochraceous orange,” broad to medium broad, crowded or close, lamellulae numerous, edges even to slightly rough. Often mistaken for Gymnopilus speciosissimus and Gymnopilus subspectabilis. A present-day, economic-scientific terrarium design is included to further increase the number of genera that can be studied outside their wild type habitats. Distribution. Folk 32: 400 (1879) It is close to but different from Gymnopilus luteofolius (Peck) Sing.
± Cheilocystidia 16±29 (40)63.2±8 (10)mm, lageniform, narrowly lageniform, utri- form, widely utriform, cylindrical, fusiform, with a capitate or sub- capitate apex (2.4±6.8mm wide), with basal clamp connection, hya- line, yellowish, or with granulose yellow-brown content. Bruising: Mem. Staining orange-brownish or sometimes bluish-green where injured or on age. Odor mild. This species is easily distinguished from G. penetrans, which produces a gray-brown to dark brown pileus with a white to grayish-white tomentose-arachnoid velum covering the whole surface (Holec 2005). This page was last edited on 25 August 2020, at 13:48. Caulocystidia none. Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) (Complete English Description Needed) 21(3): 323 (2001) Some bruise half way up the stem, some dont bruise at all. Stipe 4-7.5 cm long, 6-16 mm thick, concolorous with the pileus, becoming ferruginous yellowish on handling, fibrillose, solid, firm, thickened above or below. Cheilocystidia 20-24 × 4-6 um, flask-shaped or ventricose. Cuticle of repent hyphae, bearing scattered mounds of brown hyphae, the terminal elements of which are pileocystidia, 40-62 × 7-16 um. Usually the spores are dextrinoid at once; but in Tenn-19740, they were non-dextrinoid after 4 hours.
Reddish purplish brown to purplish red with tinges of yellow and green. Formally try to define words associated with olive color(s) as defined by mycologists over history.
Hyphae of epicutis ≤ 10 um. I would expect it to become more common throughout temperate regions of the world as strains acclimate. Halluzinogene die ähnlich wie Psilocybin wirken. Moser & H. Ladurner, in Moser, Ladurner, Peintner & Martin, Nordic Jl Bot. I have limited “digital capabilities” at the moment. Lamellae adnate with or without a decurrent tooth to subdecurrent.
Gymnopilus palmicola Murrill, Mycologia 5(1): 23 (1913) spec. hier: Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite: Samstag, 4. spec. Habitat: Cespitose on a dead Pinus trunk in Pinus with some Qrurcus – These psilocybin containing mushrooms change color as they mature, starting at bright yellow/orange and turning brown when they get older. G. luteoviridis Thiers stains green, but has pleurocystidia and no caulocystidia (Thiers, 1959). Pleurocystidia absent. Pileus 2.5-4 cm broad, convex to subconic when young becoming plane to plano-convex, margin incurved when young, remaining decurved with age, entire to occasionally appendiculate when young, becoming eroded withage, more or less evenly colored dull yellow (“straw yellow” to “mustard yellow”) to occassionally yellow (“primuline yellow”), entire carpophore staining green and drying with greenish tints, dry, conspicuously fibrillose, forming small recurved scales when older, scales pale fulvous (“ochraceous tawny”) along the margin, changing to olivaceous (“darkolive”) near the disc. Gymnopilus junonius has a lowland coastal distribution from Bergen in Hordaland to Ostfold, and north to Oslo.
Sing., but it has reddish-purple scales, does not stain green and the cbeilocystidia are rusoid or ampultaceous, non-capitate. Gelblich häutig, fetzig, nach oben gestülpt, vergänglich, selten auch
All chemicals analyzed to determine chirality using Atomic Force Microscopy.
Stipitipellis a cutis, hyphae 2-12 μm diam., thin-walled with pale yellow to brown wall pigment. Description: Fruitbodies growing singly or in fascicles.
Synonyms are determined and genus sections are updated. The species is previously recorded from Norway by Blytt (1905), Lund (1957), and eckblad (1975).
Gymnopilus purpureosquamulosus Høil., Mycotaxon 69: 82 (1998)
Pileus and stipe surface darkened to brownish orange (6C8) with aqueous KOH.
June through November Breitblättriger ± Odour and taste fungoid, sometimes with farinaceous odour. OBSERVATIONS. The taste is bitter. Murrill, Mycologia 5(1): 19 (1913) In G. magnus the veil is fugacious and the pileus trama is interwoven. Vor dem Verzehr wird Often mistaken for Gymnopilus junonius. Discuss the type species of the genus, Gymnopilus liquiritae (Pers.) Pileus trama with interwoven hyphae, except at the junction between the lamellae and pileus where they are radially arranged.
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