Do you like that canadian dish where they put a bunch of stuff on fries? What did the penis say to the vagina? You can use TEP's outage map to see how big the area affected is, how many other customers are out of. 80+ Suicide Jokes That You Can Think and Laugh! Oct 15, 2019 at 04:12AM EDT On July 23, the death hoax, as well as the Ligma disease itself, was covered by various news outlets such as The Verge [11] , Daily Mail [12] , Metro [13] , The Daily Dot [14] , The Sun [15] and Polygon. Let’s make fake news. Comment deleted by user 2 years ago More than 3 children. Know Your Meme is an advertising supported site and we noticed that you're using an ad-blocking solution. On May 28th, 2018, Instagram user Galevik uploaded a video showing a Twitter conversation in which he tells David Hogg "you should boycott ligma" (shown below). The man. What does one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? Finally, the prankster states the punchline: "Yuritarded" (similar to Ligma, Saw Con, Joe Mama). What do you call a virgin lying on a waterbed? -Not much how about you? On October 9th, 2019, Redditor TheMofoHeister shared a text conversation that featured the joke on the /r/ligma[5] subreddit (shown below, left). Within two months, the post gained over 307,100 views. Additionally, as much as we can envision hearing these occupying jokes, we need to confer them to our friends and family all the time through casual networks, Keeping that as a primary concern we have gathered 50+ Funny Ligma Jokes That Will Make You Laugh! Why are you shaking? Legal Information: Know Your Meme ® is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. The hoax also spawned in-jokes about the fictional nationality Sugondese ("suck on these"), the Indonesian city Grabahan ("grab a … --What's updog? Cast Your Vote To Select The October Meme of the Month! How do you embarrass an archaeologist? 'g' In the portrayal, ninja_hater demands for his devotees to spread the joke so they can make counterfeit news. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. As the hoax began gaining traction, Ninja tweeted that he had landed in Los Angeles with his wife (shown below). to view a random entry. So, theres Joe mama Yuri tarded/dopted sugondese nuts ligma nuts Candice pp fit in ur mom Edits: Gabe itch - JAMtheWither What are some other ones? Your girlfriend makes it hard. Jokes like joe mama and ligma. any of you guys know any name jokes, not like 'ben dover' but like 'joe broke her leg' then you say 'joe who' then i say 'joe mama' i would like to know as i enjoy saying them to various people. Me: "Have you heard of Humpty Dumpty the egg?" Over the next decade, the phrase continued to appear on various platforms. Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from. Why do walruses love a tupperware party? Another good thing screwed up by a period. Let’s make fake news. Yuritarded, also known as Yuri Tarded, is a false named used in a practical joke based on a wordplay of the pejorative expression "you're retarded." This one is dumb. As such the earliest available usage of the expression comes from[1] user sleekzero on September 30th, 2010. PROTIP: They were both originally made for kids, but daddies end up playing with them. What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cubes have in common? Updated Use this post to help find it. Inside around fourteen days the video amassed as much as 333,600 perspectives and 4,900 remarks. You are the wind beneath my wings. Y F. Added What did the sanitary napkin say to the fart? [16] Polygon's article, along with covering the hoax, interviewed the hoax's originator ninja_hater, who revealed that he had not expected the hoax to become as successful as it had, and that his intentions with the hoax were to shake up the Internet community and see how big of a reaction he could create.
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