W razie gdyby zombie zajęły parter, możesz ucieć na 1 piętro i zejść po linie na ziemię. Są tu rady dla początkujących jak i zaawansowanych. Twoja kryjówka powinna mieć przynajmniej 2 punkty wyjścia! Na początku gry, twoim priorytetem będzie przeszukanie największego magazynu w Muldraugh lub centrum handlowego w West Point, w celu zdobycia niezbędnych narzędzi i materiałów na budowę swej kryjówki. Games Movies TV Video. Wygląd zrobionych przez gracza ścian i innych rzeczy zmienia się na poziomie stolarstwa 2, 4 i 6. Project Zomboid is an open world survival horror game currently in early access and being developed by independent developer, The Indie Stone.The game is set in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world where the player is challenged to survive for … I don't know much about this place, so might be interesting to explore. Na każdym oknie powinieneś umieścić zasłonę! These are some other smaller areas that won't take nearly as long as the above places. This has some interesting locations such as Cortman Medical and the Sunstar Motel. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.26917617955480316,0.1061844222350782,81.52554969087156. Treści społeczności są dostępne na podstawie licencji. This town is in the direct centre of the current map. Ugryzienie - 90% Zadrapanie - 25% (potrzeba potwierdzenia). Gra nigdy ci nie powie wprost, że jesteś zainfekowany, ale jest sztuczka, która pomoże ci to sprawdzić. Register an account to start contributing to the Project Zomboid wiki. These factories are to the South-West of Muldraugh. Items are objects that exist within the player's inventory, and cannot be placed directly into the game world, though they can be dropped by the player.. Every item has a set weight value. This is a campground to the East of Muldraugh eerily similar to Crystal Lake from Friday the 13th. Wtedy aby zmienić ich wygląd, musisz je zniszczyć, a potem odbudować. I used to like West Point the most, but Riverside seems to have a better variety of more unique structures which makes me like it more due to there being more places that are interesting to set up at. Losowe odgłosy broni palnej lub helikoptera to nie są oznaki NPC. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5826061914212702,0.32720828598614227,24.224383386057813. W przeciwnym razie umrzemy z głodu lub pragnienia. Choroba niekoniecznie oznacza koniec gry! Zawsze po ugotowaniu jedzenia w mikrofali/kuchence wyłącz ją. Czyli żadnych butów czy swetrów! Take an introduction to wikiscript to learn how you can help. Project Zomboid PL Wiki jest społecznością FANDOMU Gry. (I'd personally like to avoid this area since it has potential to change with the Louiseville expansion), https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.8353409231922196,0.2445211482784171,22.7522846993575, Also known as 'The Mall'. Lepiej unikaj walki z zombie. Zawsze miej ze sobą pojemniki takie jak plecaki czy torby. However, this may not include the farmland to the far East. This will also include the surrounding area bordering Pond Creek, such as the gun range and race track. Zawsze po włączeniu się alarmu w budynku, natychmiast stamtąd uciekaj! Still not as cool as the campgrounds though. On 9/15/2018 at 4:44 AM, TurtleShroom said: On 9/15/2018 at 2:08 PM, thejoker954 said: 2. Below are some details about each town/location with a map link. This category contains all the locations that appear in Project Zomboid. Welcome to the Official Project Zomboid Wiki. Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I got down there and there were two wood stoves. This will also include the surrounding area, such as the Star-E-Plex Cinema, Knox Bank, and the strip of shops to the North. This is a rural area with a large amount of farmland, which is all expected to be covered in an unknown level of detail. To top things off there's also a car junk yard and almost all the houses on the East side of town have garages, so the loot is good and plenty. Zawsze miej wodę, broń białą i broń palną. I may include the number of holes on the golf course along with a predicted par for each hole. This is likely the most memorable town to veteran PZ players and a major milestone in the history of the game's development. Zombifikacja jest wyrokiem śmierci i nie można jej w żaden sposób wyleczyć. The second major location added to PZ and the first integration of the mighty Ohio river, which acts as the border between Kentucky (South) and Indiana (North). Project Zomboid is the ultimate in zombie survival. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.4745449980822612,0.08817056435733066,32.7632899670748. Note that the railyard and McCoy Logging Co. will be mentioned but not gone into any amount of detail (they'll eventually have their own pages). Wikis. Although the far west campgrounds are definitely more luxurious looking with less work required to start off. I plan to give each of these locations their own detailed page. Nie biegnij gdy zombie są widoczne na ekranie. I'm disappointed to see no love for the mall https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.395144941014256,0.04195314890417094,44.69162743865528, I'm not sure that's possible Gra jest aktualnie w fazie alpha, i jest tworzona przez niezależnych programistów z Indie Stone. With vehicles, I like the Crystal Lake-style campgrounds. (see descriptions). =) Oh yeah, I swear that I fished out the small lake at the campgrounds - I don't think it was Winter - and when I moved down to the larger lake near it didn't have fish either. The main country club building will be covered in as much detail as possible. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5366740609892173,0.30388126402873894,10.97235951936608. It hits all the things on my list for starting up a new game. To propose changes to the main page, please see the, https://pzwiki.net/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=42026. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.3321833614659308,0.11960423574867464,18.96023724946458. Jeżeli twoja kryjówka ma piętro, możesz poprowadzić linę z prześcieradeł za okno. W kryjówce, miej posegregowany magazyn. So if there's anything you like about each place or even a strategy you tend to stick to, let me know. Dang. Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection!Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser http://www.enable-javascript.com.Antispam by CleanTalk. The addition of Fort Knox is likely to be to the South East of March Ridge. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.6638185694904148,0.32204598514070537,67.9379580757263. Favourite minor area? Knox Heights Country Club, Spa and Golf Course is a wealthy area with very few houses. This includes Scenic Grove Mobile Home Park, a factory and auto repair shop. This is a massive building with a huge amount of stores, all of which will be covered and mapped out. Zawsze miej wodę, broń białą i broń palną. Rosewood is a relatively small town, however it does have a large police station, fire department and various stores along the main street that passes through the centre of town. I voted Riverside, since it was so close to it. I'll keep your vote in mind though. Like the mall, I expect to completely map the entire prison and include potential vehicle spawns. Tutaj zebrane są różne porady dotyczące gry. This is also one of the places that has a large stock of guns (and doesn't require a sledgehammer). However, I'm not sure where to start, so I turn to you all and ask, what is your favourite location in Project Zomboid? https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.4564663474071448,0.3146114483451625,47.17913755258771. Alone or in MP: you loot, build, craft, fight, farm and fish in a struggle to survive. Możesz nosić do 3 pojemników redukujących wagę: 1 na plecach, w głównym i dodatkowym slocie. This is a small area which will include both the caravan park and the crossroads to the North. Railyard to the East of Muldraugh. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.7238020514890966,0.25427086906623586,15.800197707887154, The Northern most town currently in PZ and sits on the Ohio river. Truskawki uprawiaj w dużym odstępie od innych upraw, gdyż mają one największe prawdopodobieństwo zachorowania i rozprzestrzeniania choroby na inne rośliny. Broni palnej używaj w ostateczności! This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Broni palnej używaj w ostateczności!, Nie biegnij gdy zombie są widoczne na ekranie. Nie bądź rambo - nie wbiegaj w hordę zombie! https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.32661397994320135,0.287530576313532,13.166831423239296. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.6368112262809035,0.2963159220177839,22.7522846993575. Na kryjówkę wybierz budynek, który odróżnia się od innych pobliskich budowli. From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/) Retrieved Version 40.43: item Generator Weight = 40, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Generator, Icon = Generator, Tooltip = Tooltip_Generator, RequiresEquippedBothHands = true, MetalValue = 500, See also.
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