Lower tightness the (See the discussion about Emphasis). that you wish to convert into a cloud. Second, Tagxedo performs stemming which is to combine related words ("State" and "States") + dynamic fonts -- user can upload any TTF or OTF fonts (or .ttf.zip). any links? Sorry Karen – I’ve never tried it with Firefox so I’m not sure – I’d give it a go with another browser. I would try changing the font and see if that solves your problem or checking your printer and making sure you are printing at “best” quality. Trying to use it with my Year 2 class this morning. Silverlight but the platform is just awful for web client application. functionalities! The above graph reflects the response times collected for tagxedo.com. As told earlier, we tend to mix-up two approaches with respected weights – ping responses with localized servers and direct input from users. I'm sure some will agree with me and some won't. But even though I have silverlight installed. It does not aggregate the duplicated words!!! Cannot connect to tagxedo.com? Stop pulling out your hair! Windows 10. a beautiful word cloud for you. Thank you so much for sharing and what a great teacher’s gift!!!!! In other words, if your shape is very "fragile" with respect to perturbation -- i.e. The images created by Tagxedo and their derivatives are free for personal use, including Your support and enthusiasm are much appreciated. I've just beta-released a new free tag cloud application called Tagxedo, However, confining words to shapes is in general a very hard problem, and After installation you might need to reboot your computer. A: Yes. Clear your local DNS cache to make sure you have the recent version from your ISP for tagxedo.com. I may be missing something obvious but I cant find any detailed directions anywhere on the sight, lol, I must not be smarter than a fifth grader : ) http://bit.ly/c3wcZR). custom shapes, custom fonts, high-effort mode, and save-as-app -- will require premium The above table reflects the uptime history for tagxedo.com. For an application like Tagxedo where I deployed fancy I’ve just done one but I’m getting a shadowing around the words when it’s printed. of the shape. Word cloud tools like Tagxedo can be useful for visual learners who need a visual depiction of the words of emphasis in a text. Most browser plug-ins (including Silverlight, Flash, Java and almost all ActiveX controls) only work … that the relative size of two letters in two words should reflect their relative frequencies, and hence inclined, if there are two similar-looking words such that one is K times as frequent as the other, 1. + dynamically create Xap files to create customized applications To share with friends, you can also save the Tagxedo to web. Also please suggest us alternatives if you know any! I developed Tagxedo as a "co-project" to its bigger sibling, With my daughter’s help, I’ve created an easy tutorial to show you how: 1. Aesthetically, a natural looking word cloud should have emphasis between 0.50 and 1.00. It's... complicated. This is amazing. is there a way to get rid of it please? and 5 users reviewed this website. shape will look very different if words stick out or words do not hug the shape outline faithfully -- fonts. I used to use Wordle, but it isn’t that user friendly! Let me know if you are interested. I love this project. When I read the title I thought, oh my gosh Kris is so high tech I don’t even know what she’s talking about! Tech support scams are an industry-wide issue where scammers trick you into paying for unnecessary technical support services. Could the shadowing be part of the font that you selected? the font size of the more frequent word would be Pow(K, Emphasis) that of the less frequent word. Can you help us? use a server-side approach, the rise of RIA platforms allows for much better responsive Knowing this can considerably ease you in rectification of the real problem. Tagxedo is a little different than all the other tools in this list. I hope you try it out. For example, San~Francisco. "Stop Words" and currently only English stop words are supported. A: Just click "Create" and start playing with it! Type a phrase and watch as it's instantly arranged as a mosaic in a variety … Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking. But if you want to see other layout options where the words are in different positions, click the circular arrow to the right of “Layout” as many times as needed until it’s what you’re looking for. Copyright © 2020 IsSiteDownRightNow, All Rights Reserved. among all possibilities, the one with the most common occurence will be shown. This does remind me of the old typewriter art………very lovely. I made one for my oldest for Valentine’s Day and am adding a link to tomorrow’s post sending readers your way. Refresh your browser. best technology, over other technologies I've considered, including Html5, Flash, Javafx, How fun! All images on DBD are copyrighted and taken by me unless otherwise noted. You could create countless things, so fun! 2. How I Painted Our Bathroom’s Ceramic Tile Floors: A Simple (and Cheap!) Is tagxedo.com down for you? But don't worry, Google now kindly suggests Tagxedo Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. A: Tagxedo is currently in beta for a limited time and you can use all the features in the A: Thanks! You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Employee and that the phone number is an official Microsoft global customer service number. Higher tightness, on the other hand, makes the awesome application and whichever technology does the job the best will get my vote. This is very cool! First, by default Tagxedo uses a different notion of "emphasis" than Wordle support, but performance-wise Silverlight is better (by 3X) and the Visual Studio development Presents a picture of the most common words used with those used more often displayed larger and are typically listed alphabetically. So glad that you found a good use for it and thanks so much for linking up to my project!! size, and so on. Ha! Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. Still trapped, then move to Step 3. They are collectively called Refresh your browser. ok so this is brilliant Kris…..i’m SO hoping i’ll get organized and do this , this wknd….would make GREAT Valentine’s gifts for my kids……thx so much for sharing!!! When you are done, press “Submit”. Also somewhat propriatory :D. If you're asking about the problem Tagxedo is solving... well, basically it is given a set of words (with certain fonts and sizes and orientation), and the job of Tagxedo is to try to fit them within the shape constraint. For over a year now you can no longer run Tagxedo (which relies on Silverlight) on Chrome. A: Emphasis controls the relationship between the font size of words and the frequency of occurance. A: The Tightness parameter tells Tagxedo how tightly the words should fill the shape. helps runtime, because Tagxedo takes extra time if the shape is hard to fit, but small tightness the shape will look very different if words stick out or words do not hug the shape outline faithfully -- … Microsoft Edge does not support Silverlight! Others may want a more "Wordle-like" effect emphasis of higher Java (and JavaFX?) If you have already installed Silverlight and Tagxedo still does not work, please try it on a different browser. Next, click the arrow to the right of “Theme” and choose a color combination – it changes the colors of both the text and the background. If tagxedo.com isn't working, try communicating over the issues with them, directly. In particular, for high-complexity If tagxedo.com isn't working, try communicating over the issues with them, directly. For Windows machine, you can do this by going to Start > Command Prompt > Type, If you suspect your ISP is blocking tagxedo.com. Troubleshooting. Hi everyone, Word Cloud Word cloud or tag cloud is a graphical representation of word frequency. Your email address will not be published. At most one word per "stem" will be shown, and Here are the most-used words from Thanks for the tutorial. are considered the same word (though Mr. Grinch may object). I can’t do this, but gosh, I sure wish I could. Last updated: Jan 23, 2016. If tagxedo.com is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below. I’m excited to try it myself. Your word cloud will print out in about an 8 x 10 size. Learn how your comment data is processed. option is provided. It would not work in Internet explorer firefox. Post a comment | Email Tagxedo. Flash is a great platform primarily because of the huge penetration and pervasive cross-browser tagxedo.com Locate the "Install Silverlight" area in the lower-right part of the window. For example, "sting", "stang", and "stung" format. Thanks go out to my youngest daughter for sharing this how-to with me so that I could then share it with you. As you know, all major browser vendors are moving away from plugins including Flash, Silverlight, and Java. corners. I’ve never heard of a word cloud either, but this sure is a great idea! A: Well, the previous answer was an honest one :) But let me be more explicit about She showed me the ropes and we’ve created word cloud after word cloud, including this one where we took some of the things my daughters loves most, made them into a word cloud heart, and framed it for her room: There are endless options for what you can create – like this little footprint for a baby boy’s room: this fun high heel (made from the words of my “Best of 2013” blog post): Or how about a “final rose” word cloud in honor of The Bachelor (um, not that I watch that kind of mindless trash TV or anything…. ImageChef Visual Poetry. an emphasis of 0.50 is a good choice. A: It can be as simple as clicking the "Add Image" button, and load an image of your choice Good shapes tend to be robust, simple, and well-defined and must be attributed to http://www.tagxedo.com. Clear internet cookies and browser cache. applications, Html5 is simply not usable (yet) because of adoption, slow runtime of Javascript 0.50, the font size increases slower, while the area of the word increases proportionally with A: Give it some text, and possibly a shape, Tagxedo will make I believe a compromising emphasis of Love it! Tagxedo, a Tag Cloud application built with Silverlight, Programming Silverlight with .NET – General. So impressed that you already tried it out! ): Ready to create you own personalized word cloud art (for free!)? One may argue Contact tagxedo.com Managing Team. Upgrade to premium when it becomes available. However, to do that, you'd need a commercial license. Make sure you don't miss the gallery page You can also click on the circular arrow if you prefer to scroll through your color options one at a time. subscription. A: The images created by Tagxedo, and their derivatives, are licensed under a font licensing (how the fonts can be used and how attribution is done), and app licensing. Let me know if there is anything you want improvement on. algorithms to achieve better quality and faster respins, I believe Silverlight offers the Otherwise, you can enter the words that you want to use in the box to the right of “Enter Text”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What a cool thing! My daughter and I are going to love doing this together. Wow, thank you for this very helpful tutorial. It will let me push the sign in button and then just never loads, Site is down all morning - cannot log in to home router from office.
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