For image reasons, some circuses have started keeping elephants behind electrical fences. Animals have been a main focus in circus performances around the world for many centuries; however, in recent history, there have been far more regulations put on the use of these creatures, stemming mainly from how they are treated by both their trainers and the circus as a whole. Report Post. No matter what the circus folks tell us, there is no way to persuade an elephant to "dance" or a tiger to leap through hoops without some threat of punishment or violence. -For example, the Smithsonian National Zoological Park participates in the recovery of endangered or threatened species including giant pandas, tigers, golden lion tamarins, cheetahs, black-footed ferrets, etc. Lions, bears and tigers fare no better. The issue of an animal-oriented circus being abusive is moot. Signs of their mental anguish include a plethora of stereotypical behaviors, such as swaying, pacing, bar-biting, and self-mutilating. The result of the constant confinement is sad. These methods are simply cruel. The transportation process is ridiculous as well. And an undercover investigation of the Carson & Barnes Circus shows some of the most disturbing 'training' footage ever. The tiger was shot to death. During the Seven Year’s War, and English entrepreneur named Phillip Astley began an equestrian act that would become the antecedent of the modern American circus. Their loyalty and overall joy when they see you just lights up your day. If you're scared to hurt him, don't come in the barn. Why would you hit an innocent animal. Think back to your childhood pet. Read our community guidelines here. Remember that feeling you would get when you came home from a long day of school and your pet came running up to you radiating their love for you. When he starts squirming too fucking much, both fucking hands—BOOM (as he swings the hook like a baseball bat)—right under the chin! Physical confinement is very harmful physiologically and psychologically. Once you’ve read the following 10 reasons not to attend circuses that use animals, you’ll never buy a ticket to one again: 1. Blackjacks, hooks, iron bars, whips and sticks are used to beat the pride out of animals. There are simple steps each of us can take to eliminate the exploitation of other beings. In his book The Circus Kings, Henry North Ringling, a founder of the The Ringling Brothers, stated, "It is not usually a pretty sight to see the big cats trained. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey are two of the most famous and profitable circuses in the world. Those who out live their usefulness as performers are usually sold to smaller circuses, private managers, Celies Constructed Colors The Color Purple Essay, Explication of Theme in Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find. Circuses may even be considered worse than zoos because they fail to give the animals any habitat at all. Think back to your childhood pet. The circus is an animal-slavery enterprise. (You can also access any article in this series by clicking the upward-pointing arrow just above; from the main menu at top left of the page, click Other Animal Rights Issues, and go from there. The effect of cruel animal treatment in circuses is becoming more and more apparentIn 1994 the Fox Show Animals fighting back an African elephant killed her trainer and injured 13 people before being shot to death. Big-cat trainers carry whips; elephant handlers use bullhooks—a sharp, hooked metal tool used to poke and jab sensitive spots. Circuses cage them like prisoners. You animal lovers out there know that the bond you make with an animal is something that is unbreakable. In the wilds of Africa and Asia, elephants walk 20 to 50 miles a day and take mud and dust baths as part of their natural behavior. Animals in circuses represent the domination and oppression we have fought against for so long. Animals are shipped year-round from city to city in semi-trucks and railway cars. I agree that some circus's may treat their animals badly, but most do not, so why ban all circus's with animals when only a few circus's do the wrong thing. Cat. Furthermore, if being chained up, caged up, dominated, humiliated and enslaved isn't horrible enough, larger circuses—like The Shriners, Royal Hanneford and Ringling Bros.—deny animals sunlight when they perform in Midwestern arenas, even during the spring and summer months. For this reason, circuses should be closed and all wild animals should be returned to their natural habitats.There are also many marine animals taken from the wide, endless ocean and The dog farm in Korea, the kept dogs in cages where they could barely sit, and I saw a picture of two dogs curled up, their paws slipping through the cage floor bars, couldn't even move. I'm not going to touch her in front of a thousand people. And that is why circuses are very dull for them. . Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Animals are just like human they eat, sleep and drink like us. Especially kids and children love to Visit A Circus show. Even in those ancient times, the use of animals to entertain humans proved to be a very lucrative business. Many circuses do not have much money and as a result the animals suffer from inadequate care. Under the leadership of Dr. King, I became totally committed to non-violence, and I was convinced that non-violence meant opposition to killing in any form. As a result animals suffer and die due to the lack of proper medical attention. This year already, two Ringling animals have died on the road. Take Advantage Of Essay On Circus – Read the following sentences that will help you make your essay better. Circuses may even be considered worse than zoos because they fail to give the animals any habitat at all. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.". Frisco is caught on tape clearly saying, "Make him scream. When it comes to animals in the circus, many people are misinformed or simply don't know. There are multiple arenas that teach people that it is acceptable to interfere with animals and keep them locked in captivity, where they are cramped, lonely, and far from their natural homes.
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